Monday, June 4, 2012

We {Heart} Our Hostesses


Bask in the extra $50 in FREE products you'll receive when you host a friend-filled party that celebrates your creativity. With hundreds of innovative products to choose from, there's never been a better time to party!
Your Party Sales*
Regular Hostess Benefits
Additional Hostess Dollars
Total Hostess Benefits
$65 + 1 item at 50% off
$115 + 1 item at 50% off
$80 + 2 items at 50% off
$130 + 2 items at 50% off
$100 + 2 items at 50% off
$150 + 2 items at 50% off
$115 + 3 items at 50% off
$165 + 3 items at 50% off
$130 + 3 items at 50% off
$180 + 3 items at 50% off
$145 + 4 items at 50% off
$195 + 4 items at 50% off
$160 + 4 items at 50% off
$210 + 4 items at 50% off
*Minimum $450 party; party sales do not include tax and shipping

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