Deal runs from February 1-March 17, 2008.
Our Sale-A-Bration promotion gives everyone a reason to celebrate!
Promotion Details:
Customers: For every $50 purchase they make, customers will receive a free Sale-A-Bration product.
Hostesses: In addition to our regular hostess benefits, hostesses will receive a free Sale-A-Bration stamp set for workshops that reach $300 or more.
Recruits: Anyone who joins as a demonstrator

Classes and Events
Classes are held at Robin's house 3338 W. Saymore Lane in Peoria. To register for any of the classes or openhouses call me at 692-9155.
Saturday, February 2nd from 9:00-10:30 Card Class. Bring your favorite adhesive and make as many cards as you can in the hour and an half. We average 6-8 cards. The price is $10. Call and register by January 30 so I can have everything cut and ready for you.
Saturday, February 16th from 11:00-4:00 Openhouse. Grab your favorite adhesive and cardstock and come hang out with us. You will be able to use our stamps, markers, pads, scissors, cutters, etc. The event is $7. If you bring a snack to share the price is dropped to $5. Any orders placed on this day will receive 10% off. Please sign up for this event by February 13th.
Sunday, February 24th from 1:00-3:00 Stamping and Scrapbooking Garage Sale. Spot by Robin’s house to get great deals on stamp sets, stamp pads, scrapbook paper, stickers, etc. There will be a collection of at least 4 Stampin’ Up demonstrators supplies for sale. If you are interested in selling any of your stuff, please mark and price then and then get them to me no later than Friday, Feb. 22nd.
Saturday, March 8 10:00 Stamp a Stack. Make five cards for $5. You will need to bring your favorite adhesive, but all other supplies will be cut and ready for you. Please sign up for this class by March 4.